Miha Grbac
I am a passionate UX Designer with proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ... With a keen eye for detail and a natural curiosity, I approach each project with a fresh perspective. By immersing myself in the user's mindset, I uncover insights that shape intuitive and engaging user experiences. My ultimate goal is to craft digital solutions that not only meet user needs but also exceed their expectations.

Last working places
2020 -2023
UX/UI Designer, Front-End (Developer), and Graphic Designer
Presently working at BENS Consulting d.o.o.
2016 - 2020
Designer / front-end
Kuem d.o.o.

2000 - 2004
Medijski tehnik
Srednja šola tiska in papirja
2004 -
Grafični tehnika
Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta - NTF